Goods for fine art, craft and hobby
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml
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Soap and candle contour-liner, 30ml

4.39 €
Product code: 57898
3D effect.
Easy to apply.
Elastic contour.

This is a great way to add a personalized caption (“For you, my darling”), name, greeting or wish, ornament or decoration to soaps/ candles. To do this, the image or writing lines of the motif are painted or written (mirror-inverted) into the shape with the soap & candle contour liner. After hardening 3 hours later, the mold is filled as usual with hot liquid soap or wax, cooled and hardened. After demoulding, the elastic image lines are carefully pulled out.