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Textile color "DEKA Serie L" for batik, natural fabrics and wool, 10g, dark grey
Textile color "DEKA Serie L" for batik, natural fabrics and wool, 10g, dark grey
Textile color "DEKA Serie L" for batik, natural fabrics and wool, 10g, dark grey
Textile color "DEKA Serie L" for batik, natural fabrics and wool, 10g, dark grey
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Textile color "DEKA Serie L" for batik, natural fabrics and wool, 10g, dark grey

3.19 €
Product code: 39189
Dye for natural fabrics and wool. Not suitable for synthetic fabrics.
You can dye both old fabric and new.
If the fabric has been pre-treated or used with fabric softener, it must be washed before dyeing, otherwise the dye will not absorb properly.
Also note that fabric that has been stored for a long time may have stains. Although these areas will absorb the dye, they will often appear darker than the rest of the fabric.

The composition is sufficient for 125g of dry fabric.
Dissolve the paint and 1 tablespoon of salt in 2-3 liters of boiling water, mix well. When dyeing silk and wool, add 4-6 tablespoons of vinegar. For wax batiking, reduce the bath water temperature to 50°C. Dampen the cloth, then slowly (without wringing) submerge in the liquid for 15-30 minutes, stirring constantly. Dyeing results depend on the amount of powder in the dye bath, dyeing time, temperature in the bath, and the fabric to be dyed, as well as other factors. Remove the cloth and rinse thoroughly under running water until the water runs clear.

Normal coloring:
The composition is sufficient for 250g of dry fabric.
Dissolve the dye and 2 tablespoons of salt in 4-5 liters of boiling water, mix thoroughly. When treating silk and wool, add 8 - 10 tablespoons of vinegar. Dampen the cloth, then slowly (without wringing) submerge in the liquid for 15-30 minutes, stirring constantly. Dyeing results depend on the amount of powder in the dye bath, dyeing time, temperature in the bath, and the fabric to be dyed, as well as other factors. Remove the cloth and rinse thoroughly under running water until the water runs clear.
- For best results, keep the dye bath at a high temperature suitable for fabrics, maximum 90°C.
- To obtain a dark black color, use a more concentrated solution in the bath, a longer dyeing time, and the highest possible dyeing temperature.

Color Fixing:
- The dyed fabric must be rinsed with fixative batik colors "DEKA Serie L" (article: 50200).
- The fabric can then be washed in a washing machine in cool water (30°C) on a gentle cycle.
- For the first washes, wash the fabric separately.
Avoid contact of the paint powder with the skin. Avoid inhaling the powder. Wear rubber gloves when working with "DEKA Series L" paints. In some cases, direct skin contact with paint can cause an allergic reaction. Keep away from children. It is recommended to use from 14 years.