Goods for fine art, craft and hobby
Decorative foil "TRANSFER", 20x30cm, copper
Decorative foil "TRANSFER", 20x30cm, copper
Decorative foil "TRANSFER", 20x30cm, copper
Decorative foil "TRANSFER", 20x30cm, copper
Decorative foil "TRANSFER", 20x30cm, copper
Decorative foil "TRANSFER", 20x30cm, copper
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Decorative foil "TRANSFER", 20x30cm, copper

2.89 €
Product code: 8128366
Working with the decorative foil and the 3D foil adhesive (article: 3338400).
Ideal on paper, wood, glass, plastic, wax, textiles, etc.
Working instruction:
Work with the 3D foil adhesive straight from the bottle onto the substrate. But for flat effect, apply the 3D foil adhesive with a brush or spatula, eg over an embossing template. The 3D foil adhesive dries transparent but remains sticky. Now the decorative foil can be applied.
Important: the metallic / colored side up, not on surface! Press on well and pull off! Repeat if necessary.
Clean tools with soap and water.