Goods for fine art, craft and hobby
Gilding foil, 14x14cm, 25 sheets, gold "No.2"
Gilding foil, 14x14cm, 25 sheets, gold "No.2"
Gilding foil, 14x14cm, 25 sheets, gold "No.2"
Gilding foil, 14x14cm, 25 sheets, gold "No.2"
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Gilding foil, 14x14cm, 25 sheets, gold "No.2"

3.99 €
Product code: 9715012
- thickness 0.3 microns;
- used for internal work;
- store in the package at a temperature of 18-23°C, away from sunlight;
- each potal sheet is covered with a thin sheet of parchment.

Use: the potal sheet is removed with a gilder's tool-knife and applied to a surface previously coated with glue, then smoothed. To avoid corrosion and oxidation, it is necessary to apply several layers of protective varnish (product code: 2490).
Ideal for decorating horizontal and large surfaces.
Packaging: The potal sheets are staggered for easy selection and packed in paper envelopes.